Saturday, May 7, 2011

Amnesty is good for the economy? New strategy by Obama and Team to convince GOP and America to accept AMNESTY for illegals

Amnesty is good for the economy? New strategy by Obama and Team to convince GOP and America to accept AMNESTY for illegals... The latest word is that Obama will make a major speech next week to launch the new amnesty campaign. Evidently, he plans to spend the political capital earned by the Navy SEALs' killing of Osama bin Laden to wage this battle. Unless the leader of Navy SEAL Team Six is miraculously a child of illegal-alien parents, I doubt he can make any connection between the two topics..The old arguments have all failed, and the House is now controlled by conservative Republicans. The so-called humanitarian arguments used to promote the "Dream Act" failed, and no one really believes that the border is secure.
So, amnesty proponents need a new theme, a new bumper sticker slogan, one that appeals to Republicans, and that will be the economy. We will be asked to believe that illegal aliens do not take jobs away from Americans; they create jobs.

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