Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why Does the Word “Illegal” Befuddle Liberals So Completely?

Why Does the Word “Illegal” Befuddle Liberals So Completely? liberals are universally loathe to use the word “illegal” to identify foreigners whom have violated our borders and immigration laws and are residing here unlawfully. liberals, including the mainstream media, try to apply “lipstick to a pig,” as it were, by calling illegal aliens “undocumented” this or that. The left seems to be operating under the misguided notion that “illegal alien” is a derisive term invented by white Republicans to humiliate brown people who fail to cross all the Ts while migrating north. According to liberals, not having all the required documentation is but a minor oversight, not worth fretting, In fact, however, “illegal alien” is a formal term defined in the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), which was enacted in 1986 and which supposed was to put an end to illegal immigration once and for all.

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