Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mexicans blast execution of criminal alien murderer in Texas

Mexicans blast execution of criminal alien murderer in TX...Mexicans on both sides of the U.S.-MX border are protesting the upcoming execution of a criminal alien rapist and murderer scheduled for July 7, 2011, in TX...Because the convicted killer is a MX citizen, the Calderon government is questioning the procedures that were utilized in sentencing the death row prisoner, Humberto Leal Garcia. The MX ambassador to the U.S. requested this week that TX Gov. Rick Perry delay the execution until a review is completed of the sentencing procedures..Besides Garcia, 50 other Mexicans are sitting on death rows in the U.S. ..the Obama administration, which supports the bill, has threatened to withhold federal funding from states that stray from the rules of international treaties. His position angers U.S. Constitutionalists because it places foreign law on a par with U.S. founding documents and U.S. jurisprudence..."The message these leftist politicians wish to send the world is: come to America, kill and rape. You will not be executed,"


  1. Leal, 38, from Monterrey, Mexico, was convicted for the 1994 rape and bludgeoning death of Adria Sauceda, 16, whose naked body was found on a dirt road about 100 yards from a party she and Leal attended. Her head was bashed in with a rock and she had been sexually assaulted with a stick.

    Leal told authorities Adria had accidentally hit her head on the rock as the two struggled while he tried to take her home.

    The request for a reprieve or commutation of Leal's scheduled July 7 execution was the latest round in a legal battle stemming from a 2004 ruling at the International Court of Justice in The Hague that said neither Leal nor 50 other Mexican citizens on death row nationwide had been told they could contact Mexican consulate representatives when they were arrested.

    The remedy for that breach of their rights, the world court determined, was to grant new hearings to the condemned to determine if consular access would have affected the outcome of their capital murder trials.

  2. This guy gets what he deserves.........come here and commit a crime like this should be shot

  3. What t the mexican government, and the world needs to realize is that we the people do not give a rats a*$ for their opinion on this matter. That goes for the obammy administration as well. This piece of garbage was convicted in a court of AMERICAN law and now must face his destiny. If you come to this country, legally or otherwise, you place yourself under our laws, just as Americans do when they travel out side our borders. Burn in hell you s.o.b.!!!
