Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rep. Ron Paul to Fed: Tell Us Everything, or Else

Rep. Ron Paul to Fed: Tell Us Everything, or Else...demanded Tuesday that the Fed fully disclose details of billions -- perhaps trillions -- in secret emergency loans it made to almost every major bank in the U.S. and overseas during the financial crisis or face a congressional subpoena for the information.

1 comment:

  1. Geithner and Goldman, thick as thieves
    What was Timothy Geithner thinking back in 2008 when, as president of the New York Fed, he decided to give Goldman Sachs a $30 billion interest-free loan as part of an $80 billion secret float to favored banks? The sordid details of that program were finally made public this week in response to a court order for a Freedom of Information Act release, thanks to a Bloomberg News lawsuit
