Saturday, June 25, 2011

Morons (State Election Board) give MD voters signatures to CASA de Maryland to copy

Morons (State Election Board) give MD voters signatures to CASA de Maryland to copy...Delegate Parrott stated a new problem he was having with the State Election Board wanting to allow the illegal alien support group, CASA de Maryland, (CASA) to take possession of the 67,000 petition signatures so they could be copied at a local copy center. Neil said that he was told our side would not be able to have anyone present while CASA was making its copies of our petitions..The State of Maryland Election Board is going to give the original and only copy of the 67,000 petition signatures to the political opposition of the group that collected the signatures, for the political opposition to take out of the election board office and have in their personal unsupervised possession to take to a local business to copy them.
..Whomever takes possession of the copies of the names, addresses and birth dates of those who signed the petitions needs to make sure that every effort is made to assure the information on those signing the petitions is used only for legitimate referendum or opposition purposes...

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