Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Unions want judge to void 2 new Arizona laws SB1363 and SB1365

Unions want judge to void 2 new Arizona laws SB1363 and SB1365...Calling the measures illegal, public and private unions want a federal judge to void two new laws they say interfere with the rights of their members..SB1363, which takes effect July 20, imposes new restrictions on when and where unions can picket...SB1365, will require unions to get specific authorization from each worker, on an annual basis, for any payroll deductions for political purposes. The lawsuit says that interferes with the contracts that unions have with their members. The unions want Judge Susan Bolton to bar the state from enforcing either law. But Sen. Frank Antenori, R-Tucson, the sponsor of both measures, said they are both necessary and legal.

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