Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Friction Grows Between Lawmakers and DOJ Over 'Project Gunrunner' Probe

Friction Grows Between Lawmakers and DOJ Over 'Project Gunrunner' Probe..."We're not looking at straw buyers, Mr. Attorney General, we're looking at you," Issa said. "We're looking at you, we're looking at your key people who knew or should've known about this." (OBAMA, HOLDER, NAPOLITANO, ETC....let's get it done!..Holder - IS lying, stalling, ignoring demands for information and covering up his knowledge and instructions to the ATF )

1 comment:

  1. “If Holder is so ignorant about gunrunner scandal, he should resign”—CCRKBA

    “It is simply unbelievable that the attorney general can act as though he never heard of an operation that has been exposed on national television by CBS News,” Got...tlieb stated. “How could he not know, almost six months after the slaying of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, that guns recovered at the scene are linked directly to the Gunrunner sting?

    “Holder is either monumentally stupid,” he added, “or he is telling a monumental lie. Either way, it is obvious that Holder is either hiding something or he is hiding from something. For the attorney general to not know about Gunrunner and its direct link to the Terry slaying is a sign of gross incompetence.

    “It’s time for Eric Holder to go home and write his memoirs,” Gottlieb said. More
