Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tell Your Senator NOT to Vote to Confirm Goodwin Liu for a federal judgeship in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

Tell Your Senator NOT to Vote to Confirm Goodwin Liu for a federal judgeship in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.. This man has no regard of our Constitution and wishes to rewrite and revamp it to fit his radical lifestyle beliefs and dispense justice from his warped sense of foreign loyalties and foreign law. It could even be possible that he will go along with the Islamic efforts to install Sharia Law in place of our Constitution, the oldest and longest lasting Constitution ever written in the world.... Liu, is a flaming liberal socialist-communist with very close ties to the deplorable and un-Constitutional, anti-Christian communist leaning (ACLU), which by it itself is justification for refusing this man a seat on the bench of a federal court...Liu is very much in favor of bypassing our Constitution and interpreting laws as HE sees fit, utilizing many foreign country legislative writings which are in contrast with our Constitution. He is a strong proponent of gay marriages while opposed to a traditional marriage amendment and he believes that courts should be tools to redistribute wealth in our society. Liu is strongly a promoter and believer in abortion on demand opposing the recently proposed pro-life Amendment and laws that would ban the hideous partial birth abortions

1 comment:

  1. McCain To Seek To Filibuster Obama Nominee Who Says Constitution Grants Right to Welfare (expected to come to Sentate floor on Thursday)
