Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Menu of gadgets to guard border

Menu of gadgets to guard border...Pricey, unreliable virtual fence is out, so Homeland Security will tailor plans for different stretches of the US-Mexico line.. it will cost an estimated $750 million to blanket Arizona's 378 miles of border with technology over the next three to four years..The new plan - called the "Alternative (Southwest) Border Technology" - will include a mix of camera towers, truck-mounted mobile surveillance systems, night-vision goggles, ground sensors, handheld equipment for use by Border Patrol agents and towers similar to those put up in the SBInet virtual fence system. Planes, helicopters and unmanned aerial systems will also be incorporated. The new approach can be seen in the plan for Arizona. Instead of 91 sensor towers as planned in SBInet, there will be 67 towers (counting the 15 already up), and the rest of the terrain will be covered by the other gear.
Most of the equipment for Arizona is to arrive in the next two years, with the new version of the sensor towers arriving in 2013-2015.


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